Sign-up with Speakol. Join the largest content discovery and recommendation platform in the GCC and MENA region. Our platform will enable you to engage and reach out to millions of users.
You can get started through our self-serve sign-up. Sign up:
You can sign up with Speakol on your own. Click here to sign-up and follow these easy steps.
Step 1:
Speakol invites you to Create an Advertiser Account.
You need to fill in a few details, including the following:
- Account Type (Specify whether it is an individual or company account).
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company Name
- Phone Number: (Make sure you choose the right country code).
- Password: (Include at least one number (0-9), one special character (!@#$%^&*), one uppercase letter, and one lower case letter)
- Industry: (Choose your main line of business).
- Budget: (Select the range that reflects your spending budget).
- Communication Method: (Tell us how best to reach out to you, do you prefer receiving phone calls, emails, or maybe Skype calls).
Once you fill in all these fields, you will be asked to accept Speakol’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Step 2:
A congratulatory message will announce that you have successfully completed the first step. It will also inform you that you have received an email to verify your information, finalize your registration, and activate your newly created account.
Step 3:
Once you press the verification link button. You will be directed to your Sing-In page. You need to sign in to activate your account.
Step 4:
Once you sign in successfully, you will be directed to your Home Page. Now, you can start creating campaigns, monitoring your performance, checking your reports, optimizing your resources, and realizing your marketing goals.
Contact Speakol:
In case you have any difficulties signing up, kindly email us at We will contact you within 1-2 business days to follow up and finalize your registration.
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